Watch Demagnetizer UK plug plus test compass
Watch Demagnetizer
ships with UK plug adapter and
a compass for testing the watch
Watches are very prone to accidental magnetization
putting near a magnet magnetizes the hair spring causing the watch to suddenly run
very fast or stop altogether
test by passing near the compass to see if it affects the needle
to demagnetize your watch
first it needs to be stopped either by running down or hacking
hold the watch just above the flat demagnetizer plate and
when pressing the button lift the watch gently and slowly straight up away from the demagnetizer
test with the compass and should the watch still deflect the needle
repeat but starting higher up each time.
How it works
the demagnetizer emits a strong oscillating magnetic field
this alternately magnetizes the watch North and then South
the trick is that each time it gets demagnetized and remagnetized with the opposite
polarity and as the distance increases the the effect is weaker.
the raising is important just placing it on the machine will not demagnetize the watch.
use also to demagnetize tools before working on your watch.